Our Story
Our mission is simple: to offer the finest quality of teas and best service to our brand partners, we are founded in 2013 in Delhi, before then we were based in Assam and were a supplier of Assam teas direct from tea growers to domestic traders.
We now have more than 100 plus reputed tea gardens under our umbrella, some of them are the small farmers and primarily engage in organic farming. From them, we directly purchase teas at a fair prices and supply it to the world.
Based on our performance and hard work, we have become a major exporter of Indian tea to more than 20 plus counties and our partner brands are listed in the major online markets ( eBay, Amazon, Flipkart) as well as available in offline markets.
With a firm commitment to quality, our expert tea sommelier having extensive knowledge of tea , crafted more than 250 plus finest balanced blends to suit your requirements.
We help our customers learn to enjoy and appreciate tea more. We strive to have unmatched quality, uniqueness, and exclusivity in our teas.
Along the way, many wise and experienced tea experts shared their knowledge with us, so we try to take that same approach with others. We are huge believers in tea education and outreach. We have conducted hundreds of tea tastings and workshops for our customers.
We love answering tea questions and helping people learn about tea, so thanks for your interest! Let us know what we can do to help you learn about and enjoy tea.